Friends of Whitney Young works under several committees and events. Consider joining one of the committees listed below. We could use your talents and time!
Alumni (year long) The Alumni Committee inspires Dolphin Alum to get involved in their Alma Mater by helping to fulfill the mission and goals of Friends of Whitney Young and Whitney Young High School.
Develop, maintain, and moderate social media accounts including Facebook and LinkedIn
Encourage WY alum’s passion for WY by connecting alumni to volunteer and fundraising events
Sponsor events and projects that further the education and civic engagement of students and graduates of WY
Annual Fund/Grants (year long) Proceeds of the Annual Fund are distributed each year to qualified teachers and staff to fund their club, athletic and classroom projects through a grant application process.
Roll out Grant Applications to Whitney Young teachers and staff for distribution of Annual Fund proceeds to clubs, teams and classroom projects. Determine schedule for receipt of grant proposals, review and award of grants and determine amount of individual grant awards.
Meet with WYHS Principal and Leadership team to the review proposed grant awards and finalize list of grant awards after this meeting.
Notify grant recipients of the awards and the process to claim their grant funding.
Review grant documentation and forward to Treasurer for payout of grants
Communications(year long) The Communications Committee designs and executes a variety of marketing formats to tell the Whitney Young community about the work of FoWY.
Identify and maintain FoWY branding.
Manage FoWY website and maintain its content.
Manage FoWY Facebook page to create social engaging & networking.
Create and maintain event and project calendar for FoWY.
Help publish FoWY quarterly Parent to Parent Newsletter.
Community (year long)
Build and foster a strong community of families by encouraging involvement in and attendance at school events.
Educate parents, teachers, administration and coaches about the benefits of school-wide fundraising efforts and social events
Coordinate and plan volunteer efforts for FoWY events according to calendar.
Maintain Sign Up Genius account for volunteer events.
Work with WY admin and staff on volunteer opportunities for parents.
Provide recommendations for creating more focused efforts of inclusion and celebration of the community’s diversity.
Maintain information about volunteering and volunteer opportunities on the FoWY website.
Development (year long)
Plan, strategize and implement fundraising campaigns that raise money to benefit Whitney Young High School.
Encourage and support the fundraising initiatives of various Whitney Young clubs, departments and programs.
Broaden the participation of donors among the Whitney Young community as well as outside of the Whitney Young community.
Nominating (Spring) The main purpose of the Nominating/Membership committee is to assist in recruiting and renewing members. Our committee retains or recruits members who represents the different sectors of our school both ethnically and by grade.
Identify and interview potential candidates for new board members.
Submit a slate of new board members for approval by the Board.
Contact delinquent members prior to removal and encourage them to re-engage.
Greet and introduce new members and prospective members at meetings.
Plan and implement an annual campaign to recruit new members.
Student (year long) The Student Committee is responsible for creating a liaison between the Friends of Whitney Young and the student body at Whitney Young. This committee focuses on expressing the concerns of the students. As a member of the Student Committee, one must establish a positive relationship with the student body to ensure a plentiful quantity of responses with utmost quality.
Must be comprised of a maximum of two student FoWY board members.
Recruit knowledgeable and ambitious students wanting to better the school to add to the subcommittee. These students should represent varying ethnicities, socioeconomic backgrounds, and grade levels to ensure that the subcommittee receives as many perspectives as possible.
Reach out to clubs/teams/programs who have benefit from FoWY to speak regularly at FoWY board meetings.
Consult the FoWY board regularly.
ByLaws (as-needed)
Review and maintain FoWY bylaws.
Make recommendations for any amendments to the current bylaws.
Lead FoWY yearly bylaw review.
Provide access to and discuss bylaws with incoming board members.
Finance (year long)
Design and implement a payment request process to ensure all disbursements made by FoWY have gone through an adequate review and approval process and contains necessary support documentation
Design and implement an appropriate record keeping system to store all finance related documents, such as check requests with support, banking information, revenue details, periodic financial statements, and regulatory filings
Draft an annual financial budget, with revenue/fundraising goals and anticipated expenses and other contributions to Whitney Young High School.
Make assessments about the need for other professional services, such hiring contractors to perform audit, tax, web design, and other functions, and make recommendations to the Board.
Perform periodic financial position review to ensure we are on target in terms of fundraising, grant payments, and special events related items. Ensure that we have adequate cash on hand to meet our obligations to the school community.